Monday, July 26, 2010

Life is like a box of pine cones...

You think it's going to be velvety sweet chocolate, but it turns out to be prickly and hard, with a lot of crevices and points, and if you try to eat it all at once you're surely going to choke. However, if you manage to slowly get it down little by little, you'll find out you hate pine cones as a food source, and you wonder why you tried eating them in the first place, then you remember... you're broke. That is the feeling I am left with, after an unsuccessful year of life on my own, into the realms of adulthood. I failed and so I have retreated to my sanctuary, my home, my fortress of... well... solitude really wouldn't the word I should be looking for, because I have retreated to the bustling, driven, crowded city I call home... Seoul, South Korea. I created this blog to be a place where I could share my thoughts on life, love, the intricacies of our own little worlds we build around ourselves, but for the last year I have been building my life around one thought, I hate the act of writing. Writing to me is like a chore something to be done as slowly and as loudly as possible before I can get on with the things I would like to do. I see what last year wrought and so I am slowly deconstructing the life I had built in my mind and rebuilding it to better suit my needs and the needs of the people around me. This blog is a way of seeing how I progress in the rebuilding of my own little world, and how I perceive things to be.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Night terrors

I was lying here at 5:25 in the A.M., wondering if I will ever be able to think blearily enough during the day, to write a decent amount of clutter, or if I was subject to wake up in the middle of the night forever more, trying to think through a dimly lit haze, "I must write something in my blog." These are the things that I would call night terrors. I wouldn't call waking up in a cold sweat, and franticly checking to see if the little ghost girl followed me into my bedroom (ask me later), night terrors. Instead, I would call the little things you forgot to do during the day night terrors. like waking up, and remembering that you need to shoot your photo assignment that's due in just over Twenty-four hours, or wondering what you forgot, when you don't think you have forgotten anything. To recap, I would say that night terrors should be dealt with by a nice thing that most civilized people live by, namely a schedule. That is certainly something I could and probably should get myself used to using, and maybe these night terrors will go away. Well, I hope you enjoyed me babbling on about night terrors, because this one is just about done.

Friday, September 18, 2009

And So IT Begins

So, I have never thought I would do this, but here it is. I have started my very own Blog, go figure. I have always dreaded writing extensively, but... you know... being in college sort of forces you to face that problem, by making you stay up all night, finishing your seven page analysis, for five different advertisements, only to find out that you didn't have to create the sparklingly beautiful final draft, because your teacher just wanted to see that you did the work, and won't even look at what you spent so long and so hard to fabricate out of your now empty shell of a head. If it's difficult to understand me, I'm sorry... I'm only running on one and a half hours of sleep. So yeah, it's going to be fun.